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Sites of Cultural Interest

Arco Romano

Cabanes, 10 km inland; very important its Roman Arch, a triumphal arch of the second century AD.C.

Historic Center

Its historic center has the charm of a small village of just over 3,000 inhabitants with houses that preserve old elements of the medieval past.

Miravet Castle

Another of the most picturesque places is Miravet Castle in the natural wilderness of the “Desierto de Las Palmas”, and also the hermitage of Les Santes.

The Castle of Papa Luna

30 KM north, along the coast, lies Peñiscola and its beaches, also known as the “City in the Sea”. On its massive rock it is crowned by the castle of Papa Luna, a Templar fortress dating from 1307 and surrounded by a set of thick walls that protect the ancient city.


40 KM inland you find Vilafames, a charming town, declared a World Heritage Site. Make sure to visit its castle, its streets and the museum of contemporary art.

Grutas de San Jose

60 KM southward, along the coast and a little bit inland, Las Grutas de San Jose in La Vall D’Uixo, have an underground river that is located in the Natur Park of the “Sierra de Espadán”. It is the longest navigable underground river in Europe, with a length of 2,750 m, of which 800 are opened up for a tourist route.


At 90 KM inland Morella, more than a thousand meters above sea level, is one of the most beautiful medieval and walled villages in Spain, some prestigious media have indicated it as one of the ten most charming municipalities in Spain.